Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that your Thanksgiving is fun, beautiful and blessed. Be sure to eat a lot and enjoy time with your family and friends. Don’t forget to thank the Lord for blessing you to see such a beautiful day and have the opportunity to be with those you love. Thank Him for all that He has done for you and how much He has blessed you. We have NOTHING and are NOTHING without God.

Thanksgiving is about so much more than food, turkeys and stuffing ourselves silly. Although one of the best parts about the day is eating all of that delicious food and fellowshipping with the ones we love. It’s about being grateful and appreciative to God for the grace and mercy He has shown to us. We don’t deserve it. But He blesses us daily with blessings too numerous to list. I know that I can never thank Him enough. There aren’t even enough words to say to express all that’s in my heart. But I will do my very best! Amen!

If you don’t have any family or friends, or you are just unable to be with them, be sure to thank the Lord for being able to be with Him! You’re never alone as long as you have Jesus. Sure you want to be with others that you love as well. But, if all that you have is Jesus Christ you have more than enough. Amen? Amen!

Also take a moment to say a prayer for the less fortunate all over the world who won’t get to have a good Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings; who may not know where their next meal is coming from. You may even consider finding a place where you can volunteer to serve the less fortunate this year. Especially if you are alone this year. There will be churches and missions serving free meals to the needy. So it’s something to think about. Why not be a blessing to someone in need this year? And share the holiday with the needy? They will be blessed and so will you. It will touch your heart and you will never forget it. You will carry the memories forever.

Thank you my faithful readers for visiting me here at Reflections Of A Queen. I love and appreciate you so much. I’m thankful for your coming to visit and read my posts and for being my faithful readers and friends in the online world. You rock!

God bless you all! Have an amazing Turkey Day tomorrow. I pray that your day will be incredibly blessed!

Haneefah Turner

Copyright © 2011. Haneefah Turner. All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy without permission. Thank you.

About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.
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  • anna

    Thank you dear, Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!! God bless you love.
    anna recently posted 5 Tips On How to Make a Relationship WorkMy Profile

  • Haneefah “Queen” Turner

    God bless you too Anna. I hope that your Thanksgiving will be very blessed!