Never In Vain

Nothing that we do for God is in vain. Your life is not a waste. Everything that you have invested into the Kingdom of God matters to God. Everything you have suffered, every tear you have shed as you have gone about your Father’s business will never be in vain. Never stop storing up treasures in Heaven because you feel that your life is worthless, because you feel that it’s not enough.

Remain strong and firm in your faith. God has not forgotten you. We have the victory. Through Christ we are free the the sting of death. We are more than conquerors. Satan wants us to believe that we are worthless. But that’s not true. You were bought with a price. A price that Jesus paid with His life to save you from sin and Satan’s grip. You are not worthless.

Your life matters. It has significance. It has meaning. It has purpose. Everything you do for God is an investment in the Kingdom that will last for eternity, and He sees it all. Our significance comes from living for and serving the Lord. It doesn’t come from having more things. It doesn’t come from our jobs. It neither comes from or is determined by people. Our significance comes from God, and what we do for Him.

Every time you do the right thing when doing wrong is so easy, every time people turn on you and hate you for Christ’s sake, every time you refuse to give into sin, every time you show the Fruit of the Spirit, every time you do something for someone that can never repay you, everyday that you die to self, everything that you do for God is never in vain. Everything that you do for Christ has significance.

Your life is not a waste. Your life does count because you have used it to serve our Heavenly King. The world seeks to do and acquire things that mean something in this life, but mean nothing in eternity. They strive for significance that lasts for a little while and then fades away. But everything you do for God lasts forever.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV

Please feel free and comment below about what you think about the above post. I look forward to talking with you.

Lord bless you,

Haneefah Turner

Copyright © 2012 Haneefah Turner

About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.
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