I’ve been thinking a lot about prayer lately. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Yet it seems that a lot of the time we only come to God during times of pain, suffering and sorrow. Why is that?
Self-sufficiency is the problem
I believe that self-sufficiency is the main problem. We take our eyes off of God when things are good. We start to believe that we can go it alone. We start to depend on ourselves. That is a big mistake.
Any time we stop looking to God for any reason is wrong. Times get better so we think the good times will never end and that we don’t need God anymore. Our finances improve, sometimes to the point of being able to do almost anything we want, and we start to feel like we don’t need God to sustain us. We get wrapped up in family, friends, school, work etc. We get wrapped up in life and forget about the One that gave it to us. The one who blessed with the things we take for granted.
God brings it around
But God has a way of making us turn our eyes back on Him. He allows trials to come. Notice I said He ALLOWS trials to come. He doesn’t bring trouble on us. Nothing bad comes from God ever. When we don’t stay in prayers, when we don’t stay in the Word of God we open ourselves up to spiritual attack and it’s only then for some of us that we even notice God is still there. And that is only because in that time of turmoil we want something from Him. Or because in the mist of that trial He has made His Presence more deeply felt.
What prayer is and is not
Prayer is not a one way street. Prayer is not about trying to use God to get what we want. When we come to God with selfish motives our prayers are heard but not answered.
James 4:3 says “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss ( in a way that is improper or wrong), that ye may consume it upon your lusts.”
Yes we are to come to God when we need help. Or we are hurting or scared. But prayer is deeper than coming to God just to fulfill our own needs.
Prayer is communication with God. Prayer is simply talking to God and being quiet and allowing God to talk to you. A conversation takes two. God wants to speak to you. Are you listening? Are you thanking God for your blessings? Are you grateful?
Prayer is vital
Prayer is vital to our spiritual health. Just as Bible reading, studying and surrounding ourselves with our brothers and sisters in Christ is vital in order to remain strong spiritually and to help us walk circumspectly. It is something that must never be neglected.
Don’t treat God like He is some kind of genie that will jump when you rub Him the right way. God is GOD! He is our most Holy, Amazing God and He deserves all of our love, honor, obedience, respect and reverence.
Get down on your knees and start cultivating a closer and relationship with our heavenly Father today and start enjoying what it feels like to truly know Him and to be close to Him when times are good and not just when times are bad.
Lord bless you all!