Prayed Up! By Karen Clark Sheard

Hello everyone! I know it’s been a long while since I have written to you.  So much has been going on in my life that I haven’t had time to write. I hope to change that very soon. Very soon!

I love Gospel music, and my favorite Gospel artist is Karen Clark – Sheard.  She has a new CD out that I absolutely love. This women is incredibly anointed and I wanted to share her music with you all.

The name of her new CD is called “All In One.” The first single from the CD is titled “Prayed Up.” It’s a really hot uptempo track. This entire CD has been a serious blessing to me, and it is my prayer that the song you are about to hear will be a blessing to you!

So enjoy the video below. God bless you.

About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.
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