Lately, I’ve been learning more about my value in God. Sometimes the people around us try to make us feel inferior or they simply don’t care about us and what we think and feel.
I have a job that I’m not too fond of and am currently working on leaving. Management and others with greater authority do not value their employees. Employees are constantly run into the ground through long hours, unprofessional and lackluster management, favoritism, and outright racism in some cases. It drags you down to have to deal with that. I had one manager tell me once that as an employee I did not matter because I was easily replaceable. This same manager even wanted me to continue working even though I’d had a bad asthma attack and needed to go home. He refused to allow me to leave even though I was obviously ill. It was only when he realized just how much trouble he would be in for that act, did he say I could leave. Which didn’t matter to me because I was leaving anyway! I learned early on that I was just a body. That to my employer it mattered not if I lived or died or was badly injured, just that I make them money. It was a rude awakening. But, it was through these experiences, amongst others that I’ve had to learn to cling daily to the fact that God loves me and I have value to Him, even if I have no value to anyone else including myself. I do require that you treat me with respect, but I do not need the validation of man.
I am valuable because God loves me. I bear His stamp. (Gen 1:26-27) Even though I am imperfect, and mess up sometimes He values me, and loves me anyway. I have worth to God. I deserve nothing He gives me, yet He gives it to me anyway, His mercy, His grace, His favor and more because He loves me. Isn’t that beautiful? I don’t know what you’re going through in your life right now. Maybe your working life resembles my own. Maybe you’ve been made to feel unworthy by your husband, wife, children, Mother, Father or so-called friend. Maybe you just have low self-esteem. Whatever the case may be, remind yourself that you are valuable to God. You are worthy to Him. Get in your Word. Learn what God says in His Word about you, and stand on those things. Remind yourself of what the Father says about you daily. Because at the end of the day it is only what He thinks of you that matter. And if God says you’re valuable, you’re valuable.
Be blessed.