Out With the Old. In With the New

December 31, 2008. The last day of the year 2008. Can you believe it? It feels like time really flew this year. I look back on the last year and I’m amazed at all I’ve learned and all that I’ve overcome. I did not achieve all that I had hoped to. I did not work on my book as much as I had intended, and therefore was unable to complete it for example. However, I did finally get my blog up and running, and you know what? I’m very proud of that! That is a major achievement. It took a lot for me to work through my fear of failure to get this blog done. So, I feel very blessed to have it. Praise God! Without Him I would not be posting right now. God is so good all the time!

As a country and as a people we have gone through much this year. This hardship doesn’t even begin to include any troubles that have gone on in our lives outside of the world’s woes. But, with a new year comes new opportunities, and a chance to have, and to do, and to be better. Our troubles in this country, and as individuals will not end quickly. However, with God on our side we can overcome. And I don’t mean God on our side as a country, but with us simply as believers. Things may be hard for you right now. I know the feeling, and I understand. I struggle too. But, things will get better. We serve a God that is bigger than all of our worries, our struggles, and the troubles of this world. We have a loving God that will give us strength to continue on, as He has all the other times we felt like we wouldn’t or even couldn’t make it. He will lift us up and carry us if we will ask Him to because that is the kind of God He is—merciful and full of grace. He promised to never leave us, nor forsake us and he never will. Hold on to that promise. God can always be believed. He can not lie. Have faith.

So, look forward to this New Year! I can’t even begin to imagine all of the wonderful blessings the Lord has in store for me in 2009 and beyond. Who knows? This just might be my best year yet! As well as yours!

Be blessed!

About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.
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