Brazilian Model Mariana Bridi de Costa
I came across a story last Friday afternoon (January 23, 2009) about a young 20 year old Brazilian model that really touched my heart. Her name was Mariana Bridi de Costa.
Everything had been going well in her world. She was achieving her dreams and accomplishing goals that would allow her and her family to have a better life someday. She had placed sixth in a major contest just last year in China, and had been signed by model scout Dilson Stein who was also responsible for discovering Supermodel Gisele Bundchen.
Then in less than a month her entire world was flipped upside down.
She had recently been feeling ill and went to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor initially said that she had gallstones. But, in actuality she had a urinary tract infection. Because of the mis-diagnosis, the infection went untreated and turned into septicemia, a serious life threatening condition where toxins develop in the blood stream.
Mariana eventually developed necrosis, a condition that causes the tissue in the body to die at an alarming rate, which was caused by the septicemia. In a desperate effort to save this young woman’s life, both her hands and feet were amputated. Both of her kidney’s and half of her stomach were also removed.
She fought hard for life. Upon awakening from a 10 day coma, when asked if she wanted the doctors to stop fighting to save her, she blinked “no,” as she was too weak to speak. Even though her life would be full of suffering from that moment on should she miraculously survive, even though her dream of being a journalist when her modeling career was over likely dashed, even though she would no longer be the bread winner for her family and unable to help them, she still wanted to live.

Mariana Bridi de Costa
Sadly, Mariana lost her fight for life Saturday morning Jan 24, 2009 at 3:00 AM. The lose of Mariana was devastating to all who knew and loved her, and to all others around the world that were touched by her severely devastating story and prayed for her recovery.
I do not know if Mariana knew the Lord. It is my prayer that she did. What I know is that there is a lesson we can learn from her in the mist of this tragedy. She lived her life to the full. She didn’t allow anything to stop her from trying to reach her goals and provide a better life for her and her family. Even in the span of 2 short weeks when her life was completely flipped upside down she fought the good fight of survival. Even though she may not have known God, she understood that even though her life would be difficult from that point on, it was still life and she wanted it. She valued her life, as well she should have.
I tell you this story not to sadden you, but to encourage you. Yes, you read that right. To ENCOURAGE you!
Live each day like it’s your last. Fight the good fight of faith. Live, laugh, love, and learn with your entire being. Serve the Lord your God with your entire being! Never take each day, each loved one, or each friend or anything else of value for granted. Remember, no matter how hard life is, life is always worth living.
Many people are taking their own lives because they are losing their homes or their jobs, and their money, when there are people with even graver concerns than that (and all of the concerns mentioned are surely serious) fighting to live and losing! Now that’s sad. They have lost hope. But, we as believers have the Greatest Hope in our lives. His name is Jesus Christ. Hold on to Him. He loves you. He will never let you go. No matter what you are going through in life right now He will see you through it. He will always see us through the tough times. Just keep your eyes on the Lord. And while you’re at it take the time to remember a young woman named Mariana who fought to live. Please pray for her family and friends today, and all others who are suffering so terribly in these cold, hard, troubling days.
Lord bless you all.