Life: A Daring Adventure?

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.—Helen Keller American Writer, Educator (1880-1968)

Life is what you make it plain and simple. Yes, we all have obstacles in our way. These obstacles can sometimes make life hard. But, in spite of those things are you living life or just existing? Are you filled with the joy only God can give? Or is life just something you must suffer through?

You don’t need to be rich and famous or whatever the case may be to live a full, happy and hopefully healthy life. You can live that wherever you are. I’ve always found it interesting to hear stories of the disabled and the poor in health, or the just plain poor who speak of how great life is in spite of tremendous odds. But, it shouldn’t be surprising. They know what really matters in life. They know that a lot of our battles are either won or lost in our own hearts and minds., and that the power to overcome is in Christ.

If you believe that life is full of drudgery, then life is hard and filled with the menial But, if you can look around you, and keep a God-centered perspective on life in spite of what the world throws at you, good or bad, life will always be an adventure.

Life is always worth living no matter what you are going through. Life should never be about nothing. It should always be full of Christ, full of love, full of hope and full of joy no matter what life throws your way.

God created life to be lived with passion. If you are living a passionless life get into prayer about it and ask God why and to show you how to find it.. If you’ve turned from God ( no prayer life, daily bible reading/study, no church attendance, living in sin) that may certainly be why. If that’s the case repent (turn away from) of your sins. Confess your sins to God. Get on your knees and ask for His forgiveness. Ask the Lord to make you new. Get back into fellowship through the daily renewal of your mind through His Word (daily bible reading/study), prayer and regular church attendance at a Bible teaching church.

If you are in need of counseling, seek your Pastor. If you need therapy seek help from the American Association of Christian Counselors., and find help in your area.

If you’ve never given your life to the Lord and are wanting to know more about the Lord, or wanting to give your life over to Him or are thinking about it please check out “Steps To Peace With God.”

I also highly recommend ordering the FREE book “Power for Living.” This book was instrumental in my finding the Lord many years ago when I was still a teenager, and will answer many questions for you about finding God or getting to know Him better. Your information will never be sold, and the will be no solicitations. To order visit this address.

Lord bless you on your journey to wholeness, passion and peace with God.

About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.
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