You’ve got to face it to change it

Fear is a dangerous thing. It is one of Satan’s greatest weapons against us. Fear will keep us in our present circumstances because we will be too afraid to move forward.

It is true that we can’t fix or change everything that comes our way. But we won’t know how much we are capable of, if we aren’t willing to step out of ourselves long enough to even begin to face the things that come our way head on.

What are you going through right now? Are you sick enough of your present situation to try to change it? God is not always going to remove everything we struggle with out of the way. Sometimes we have to just have faith and trust Him as we move forward to make the changes ourselves.

There are lots of people in the church that have this mentality that says “well if God wanted me to have that (whatever it is) He would just drop it into my lap.” That is complete and utter nonsense! So, does that means it’s God’s responsibility to come down from His throne in Heaven to spoon feed you everyday because He wants you to eat? Or to just drop food into your stomach for that same reason? Or did you actually have to feed yourself today? I’m pretty certain that you had to do that yourself. We’ve got to think! That kind of backwards thinking is the lazy man’s excuse for living in mediocrity. Get up and do something to help yourself and stop settling for crap!

Wherever you are in life there is something you can do to help yourself. Even in these tough times. Stop listening to the “dooms dayers” and trust God. Get into His Word. What does His Word say? Confess those things daily until you start to truly believe it and start living it out. Stop listening to the worlds negative report and start listening to God’s “Good Report!”

Until you develop your faith and face life head on, and stop making excuses for where you’re at things will never change. I know that things are hard right now. Things are happening that we have no control over. But things can and will get better. There are things we can do to help ourselves in these troubled times if we would just take the time to figure it out, as well as to pray it out. Change may not come tomorrow, but it will come.

Are you ready for ready for a change? Then make up your mind to make a change and step out to make it happen today! You can do it!

Lord bless you.

About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.
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