How Far Can You Go?

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go—T.S. Eliot, British poet, critic (188-1965)

I believe that this post touches on something that I have spoken about in an earlier post in the series that bears mentioning again. For this reason I will keep it relatively short.

Don’t be afraid to step out in faith. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. As you trust in the Lord He will guide you.

Are you limiting yourself? If you are stop it right now. Don’t be afraid to follow your dreams. If you have prayed about it and you know that you are in God’s will, then just move forward.

You’ll never know how far you’ll go or where your dreams and goals will take you until you step out!

Lord bless you!

About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.
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