In Every Heartbeat is the story of three childhood friends. Libby Conley, who wants to be a world famous journalist. Pete Leidig, who wants to be a preacher. And Bennett Martin who just wants to belong and make trouble.
The three of them grew up together in an orphanage where they formed a tight bond. Now they have grown up and made their decision to attend University together. But their bond gets tested as their dreams, expectations and even tragedy pulls them in different directions. Things which threaten tear them all apart and destroy their friendship forever.
I thought that this was a good book. It had moments of being tedious; moments where I felt that the story slowed down a little bit. All in all it was enjoyable and I do recommend this book. I was sorry to see it end. It was about love, the value of friendship, the search for meaning in this life and the love of God. You won’t regret buying this book. It will touch your heart.
I am a member of Bethany House Book Reviewer Blogger Program I received a copy of this book free of charge in order to review it. I was not paid for this review. I also was not required to give a positive review, but to give my honest opinion of what I felt about the book. Whether positive or negative, this is my honest opinion of this book.
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