“That’s not fair.” We tend to say that when the sky is starting to fall. “Why, why, why” is another. Why isn’t life fair? Because we live in a fallen and broken world full of fallen and broken people. People don’t always act as they should. Circumstances sometimes take s turn for the worse and life seems to be completely flipped upside down. It’s enough to drive you crazy.
You look around you and it looks like Satan is winning. But don’t fall for the lie. Things aren’t always as they seem. Satan may look like he’s winning, but the truth of the matter is that he’s already lost. Praise God! God is in control of everything. That’s why satan is mad. His reign of evil is almost up. Soon Jesus will be back and Satan’s going down into the pit of hell. Hurry back Jesus!
Stay strong and fight the good fight of faith. Our faith is going to be challenged until we die. That’s just the way it is. No matter what, good or bad, you must trust God. You must trust Him and believe that He’s working things out for your good. Nothing is too big for Him. He’s got it under control. Stay in the Word of God. That is your sword. Learn it and wield it. Satan is no match for it. Put on your armor. (Ephesians 6:10-18) Stay in prayer and watch God work.
I know it’s hard. Believe me. I know from experience. It’s hard to sit back and wait for God to work. We want Him to fix everything right now. But sometimes He says “Not Yet.” And you cry out “God where are you?” It looks like He’s no where to be found. But He’s right there beside you holding your hand and guiding you through the storm to victory.
So even though it’s hard don’t be afraid. Don’t give up. God tells us to fear not..(Isaiah 41:10) Remember that fear is only False Evidence Appearing Real. It’s a trick of Satan to get your eyes off of God and onto your troubles. Don’t fall for it.
Yes, life is unfair. But fair or unfair God is in control. Trust Him. He will lead you through the storm to clear skies. Everything is going to be all right.
God bless you.
Copyright © 2010. Haneefah Turner. All Rights Reserved