This short video is awesome! It’s apart of a sermon given in 1976 by the late S.M Lockeridge called “Seven Way King”. The portion that is known as ‘That’s My King” is one of the most beautiful descriptions of Jesus Christ. It has been set to music and had visuals added for your viewing enjoyment. This video presentation of the sermon was put together by IgniterMedia. Enjoy this video. This is so amazing. And the most incredible thing about it is that no matter how awesome it is, it’s still just the tip of the iceberg of who Jesus is. I love it!
I have two “main” versions for you. There are both by IgniterMedia and “That’s My King is still EXACTLY the same. The original is set to music and the “remix” has different visuals and new music. I have included both just for fun. Whichever you prefer is your choice. All that matters is the message. And the message is that Jesus is more awesome than any of us can begin to describe or fully comprehend.
I have also put up a non-IgniterMedia version that is the full six minute version. Watch all three if you like. Whichever one you watch it’s going to be beautiful.
Lord bless you all!
Haneefah Turner
That’s My King! Original Version
That’s My King! Remix
Six Minute Non-Igniter Media Produced Version