Just Hold On

Hope deferred maketh the hear sick: but when the desire cometh, it is the tree of life
— Proverbs 13:12 KJV

These are trying times for everyone. Everyone is going through some kind of drama in their lives. People can’t find jobs, are losing jobs, don’t have enough money. They’re having problems with family and friends. It feels never ending. It hurts. And it’s worse when you feel like you’re suffering alone. A common refrain is “ no one understands what I’m going through.” That’s just a lie that Satan wants you to believe so that you feel completely isolated. The truth is that there are millions of people that understand what you’re going through in your life right now. You are never alone. Even if you feel that you are, even if you are in the physical, God is still there beside you even though you can’t see Him. It would still be nice to have someone there for you with skin on though, right? I know. But it’s important to remember that if no one is around that God always is. It’s important to always remember that.

I had a follower on a popular social networking site who is a Christian email me recently saying that she felt so alone and was suicidal. I explained to her that her life was too precious to give up. She explained to me that she was having problems, amongst other things, and that she didn’t feel loved by a particular family member. I explained to her that God loves her even if no one else does. Yes, we want love and approval from our loved ones. Of course we do. It’s only natural. But you can’t give up on life because of how that other person does or does not feel. God loves you. Not only that but He made you to love you! How amazing is that? I gave her links to websites where she could chat to people in her country that are qualified to help her and could help her to receive counseling, since she is obviously depressed. I made sure to reiterate that she wasn’t alone and that many people love her especially Jesus Christ.

I want to say to everyone reading this that even though things are hard right now don’t give up! God is not through with you yet. Situations do change. You can’t give up on life because you feel like it’s taking too long to change, you’re tired of waiting on God to fix it (like the woman said to me), or you don’t think it will or can be fixed. Don’t put chains on God. He can do anything. You’ve just got to ask Him and trust Him. And yes, sometimes you have got to wait. God’s timing is not our timing.

But if you are depressed you need to seek help. If you are suicidal, you are depressed and you need to see help immediately. Don’t try to go it alone and don’t give up. Talk to someone. Depression is real. It has nothing to do with not praying enough, often enough, hard enough, or not having enough faith. It’s an illness like any other and can be treated. Not just with pills, but also with therapy to help you learn how to change how you look at your problems and develop coping skills. It is not too late. You can be made well.

In the U.S. there is the American Association of Christian Counselors http://www.aacc.net. If you live in the U.S. and you need to speak to someone now call New Life Ministries at 1-800-New Life (1-800-639-5433). You can even visit New Life Ministries and find out more about the ministry and listen to helpful podcasts and radio program. You can even go to your church or call a church and ask them if they offer counseling. Many churches today do. And if they don’t ask if they can refer you to some place that does. Don’t just give up! Reach out. There is help.

My heart is with all of the struggling people out there. I feel your pain and hold you in prayer. Don’t let go of God. Don’t let go of Jesus! Cast your cares at His feet. NOTHING is too big for Him. Ask Him to lead you to a place to receive help. I know that He will.


“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah” Psalm 46: 1-3 KJV

Lord bless you all.

Copyright © 2011 Haneefah Turner. All Rights Reserved.

About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.
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  • AMEN! Times are hard and they will get even harder for the bible speaks of it..but we can’t give up we must preserve in those trials..for they strengthen us we mature and move from glory to glory in the Lord…I pray person who emailed you be lifted and encouraged at this time in their life…God sent that person to you for a reason ….
    Desiray recently posted Example of ForgivenessMy Profile

  • Haneefah “Queen” Turner

    Thank you for your comment Desiray. I’ve been praying for that person as well. I know that God sent this individual to me for a reason. I hope that I have helped her at least a little bit. It’s so important that people know that they are loved and cared for and that they do matter. I hope that I have been an encouragement to others. I have done my best.

    Stay blessed.

  • Thank you for caring! It is important sometimes only to have someone to listen in the right moment, even if you don’t get strait answers…
    Ravit recently posted Small studio apartment ideasMy Profile

  • Shahar

    We all go through difficult situations.
    Some put an end to their life which cause their families a lot of pain and this is where you can make your way through depression, meaning, by being with family and friends and seeking professional help if needed.
    Been there.
    Wishing all the best.
    Shahar recently posted Let’s talk business…My Profile

  • Haneefah “Queen” Turner

    Hey Ravit. You don’t have to thank me for that. We should all care about each other and do what we can to help. That’s a part of what Christian love is about. I’m just doing what Christ would have me to do.

    Shahar – Thanks for the well wishes. I’m glad to know that you are doing well and that you or someone close to you got the help they needed.

    Thank you both for your comments. I appreciate them all. It’s things like these that letting me know that I’m doing what God wants me to do and that I’ve reached someone.

    Blessings to everyone!