North Tower Collapse photo taken by the New York City Police Dept Sept 11, 2001
I can’t believe that it’s been 10 years already since the Sept. 11th attack on our country. It feels like it just happened yesterday. That was such a sad and terrifying day. The loss of life was so horrifying and senseless. The terrorist attack on our country, born out of hatred, was so heartless and incomprehensible, and some would say unforgivable.
Look how far God has brought us. At the time no one knew if life would ever be the same. And in some ways it isn’t. The fact that we could be attacked again is still in the minds of the people. Some people still live in fear. Yet, God has protected us from further attack again and again. I am so grateful. Grateful to be alive. Grateful that other attacks have been prevented.

Marcy Borders the "Dust Lady" after the South Tower fell 9-11-01 The iconic photo seen around the world. Taken by Stan Honda
I didn’t know anyone that died that day. But my heart is with those individuals that did and whose hearts are still hurting 10 years later. My heart goes out to those who were attacked and survived and whose lives were never the same like Marcy Borders. Marcy Border (who became known to the world as the “dust lady” and then only 28 years old) had worked at a Bank of America in the North Tower, also known as Tower 1, on the 81st floor of the World Trade Center for only one month.
When the towers were hit the people in the bank didn’t know what had happened. The bank staff heard a boom and was told to not leave by their boss. But her gut told her to leave.It took her a full hour to get to get out of the building, but she made it. She exited the building just as the South Tower fell, which was why she was so dusty in that iconic “dusty lady” photograph. If she hadn’t followed her gut, which I believe was God’s leading, and left when she did she more than likely would not be alive today.

Marcy Borders in 2002 holding a copy of the famous and iconic picture of her seen around the world
Someone pulled her into a building after she started screaming for help, where the famous picture of her was taken. Marcy had a hard life after that. She went into depression and suffered from nightmares and from intense and debilitating fear that Osama Bin Laden would attack her by blowing us her house every time she heard a plane go by. And she was in constant fear of being shot. To cope she turned to alcohol and drug abuse and was unable to work for the last ten years. Because of her drug and alcohol abuse she lost custody of her two young children.
Her suffering was intense. While in rehab back in April she learned that Osama Bin Laden had been killed and she was able to let go of her fear and start to heal. She is now clean and sober, has a relationship with the Lord (Amen!), has custody of her kids again, and is doing so much better. God bless her! God is good all of the time. Marcy says that she still has the outfit she wore to work that day. She says that they are “still unwashed and coated in the dust of the twin towers.” What am amazing blessing. I’m so happy that she has pulled through. Yes, God really is good all of the time! (Scroll down to hear Marcy speak in her own words on The View from Wednesday Sept 7, 2011)

Marcy Border today with her son Zay-den. Photo by Coleman-Rayner
And God bless so many others like her. I pray that all of those that are still suffering will finally find peace of mind and be able to move on with their lives and find happiness again. I know it’s hard, but let’s start to forgive those that have hurt us so that we can move on and be free from what was done to us. You don’t have to excuse what was done. There is no excuse. What was done can never be okay. But forgive so that you can start to heal. You can never truly heal is you don’t let go of your hurt and anger. Remember that those that love their chains can NEVER be free. So let’s get free. Free from fear, anger, sadness. Freedom is long overdue. Don’t let evil people keep you in chains any longer. Take your life and your power back. Give it to God and start to live and breathe again.
God bless everyone. Please take the time to pray for those who were so tragically affected by the events of Sept 11th, and that He will heal their hearts and minds and help them start to live again. Please also pray that God will continue to keep us safe. I love you all so much with Christ-like love.
Lord bless you all!
Haneefah Turner Copyright © 2011 All Rights Reserved.