He Paid It All

We are all so blessed. We have been given a gift that none of us deserves. Yet Jesus laid down His life for us anyway. All who choose to follow Him now have Eternal Life. Through Jesus we have been reconciled to God. He didn’t have to do what He did for us but He did it because He loves us. How amazing is that. Jesus died to pay for our sins so that we could be free from them. He freed us from the bondages of sin and death. We have been made new through Christ. It’s almost too much to comprehend.

He died and rose again. We have the victory through Christ.

Let’s not forget what this day is truly about. It has nothing to do with Easter Bunnies, Easter Eggs or candy. It has to do with the life and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who paid the ultimate price so that we can be free if we chose to follow Him.. Today is the day that we remember His sacrifice for us, and a Love that knows no bounds. I’m so grateful for His love and His most precious gift of Eternal Life. Aren’t you?

As a part of today’s Resurrection Sunday message I have included the video “The Light of The World” from Chick Publications. Please enjoy this 78 Minute video about the Life and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and how He died to free us from sin and death once and for all. The story is all true for you non-believers reading this post, and the art work is beautiful.

If you enjoy the video it can be bought to add to your collection from Chick Publications. It is available in a few different languages if English is not your native tongue. Just click this link to order the Light to the World Video.

Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!

The Light of the World – English Version from Chick Publications on Vimeo.

About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.
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