Impossible. I can’t stand that word. Why? Because it gives people an excuse to give up, to settle for less and to be less. I could never do that. It’s impossible. I could never write that book. It’s impossible. I could never start my own business. I’m too young/old. It’s impossible. And on and on it goes. One excuse after another of why you can’t do, be or become the person you are meant to be, or accomplish what you are meant to accomplish.
We always say that nothing is impossible with God. But our actions, as well as many others things that come out of our mouths, tell a different story. You either trust God or you don’t. Which is it? You either believe God’s Word or you don’t? Which is it? Whatever you’re afraid of, Jesus is bigger and greater than that thing. He is far greater than all of your problems and circumstances.
If it’s you alone trying to accomplish something in your own strength, then yes, it’s impossible. But with God ANYTHING is possible. Stop telling God what can’t be done and walk in faith and do what He’s called you to do. God can do anything but fail. Start living like you know it.