Have you ever been so stressed out or afraid that you just wanted to scream or cry? It’s an incredibly painful feeling. It feels like the whole world is on your shoulders and all you want is just a little relief. Just a bit of breathing room, right?
King David experienced intense stress and anxiety when he was being persecuted and hunted by King Saul. He could have given up. But David knew how to keep stress from overtaking him. He prayed. It seems so simple but there is power in prayer and David experienced it every time he ran to God when times were tough.
“Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from Him cometh my Salvation. He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” Psalms 62:1-2 KJV
David knew where his help came from. It’s the same place yours comes from: God. Though things were hard and stressful David trusted God to be there and bring him through the hard times, and hold him up and protect him. He knew to lean on his Rock. That as long as he had God there was nothing and no one that could shake him up.
Give God your worries, fears and stress, whatever you’re going through. Stand on Him and His Word. Pray your way through. When you stop to focus on God instead of your troubles, how you look at the life and the things we all go through, will radically change.
Nothing and no one can shake you up unless you allow it. You don’t have to be a slave to your emotions or circumstances. Take time to pray and put everything in God’s hands. Then just like David you also will not be greatly moved.
“Nothing and no one can shake you up unless you allow it.” Click To Tweet
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Lord bless you all
Haneefah Turner Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy this article without my express written permission. Thank you.