About Haneefah Queen Turner

Haneefah Queen Turner is an Artist. A Creative. An Ambassador for Christ. A world changer. Changing the World One Word At A Time. An inspiration and uplifter of others.

How Much Can We Bear by Hezekiah Walker

Here is a song by Hezekiah Walker called “How Much Can We Bear.” I absolutely love this song and I want to share it with you. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by the troubles of this world. But God never gives us more that we can bear! I know it’s hard and you may feel overwhelmed. But God promised to never leave us nor forsake us. So hold on to Him. He will see you through.

Sit back and relax and play this video so that you can hear this awesome song. I pray that it will touch you and encourage you. It encouraged me.

Lord bless you

Haneefah Turner

Interview with an Ex-Porn Star!

I came across this interview of Danielle Williams through the Passion for Christ Movement blog. This is an incredible testimony that everyone should hear. Share it with everyone you know.  Minister Danielle breaks it down and tells you the real deal about the porn industry. It truly is full of evil. The stories of the suffering Continue reading

Fair? What Is?

“That’s not fair.” We tend to say that when the sky is starting to fall. “Why, why, why” is another.  Why isn’t life fair? Because we live in a fallen and broken world full of fallen and broken people. People don’t always act as they should. Circumstances sometimes take s turn for the worse and life seems to be completely flipped upside down. It’s enough to drive you crazy.

You look around you and it looks like Continue reading

It’s Been A While

It’s been a while since I’ve posted so I wanted to catch up with you all. A lot has been going on in my life so I haven’t had the focus I’ve needed to write here regularly. But I have not abandoned Reflections of a Queen. I have no intention of ever doing that. This is one of my favorite places to be and I love sharing with you.

As you know, 2011 is right around the corner. I hope to do more in the coming year. I have been looking into new template designs so Reflections of a Queen may have a new look in the new year. Maybe even before the new year. Yay!

I want to share some of my fiction and poetry with you so that may be coming in the new year. This blog has taken on a strong devotional focus. There is nothing wrong with that! However, that was never what I wanted it to be. Don’t worry. The devotions are here to stay. It’s obvious to me that writing these has been what God wanted me to do. He wanted me to encourage you all so I won’t get rid of them and stop writing them. I just want you to know that Reflections of a Queen may take on a more fiction minded focus. I am a fiction writer after all! (smile) Whatever God leads me to write about I will write about.

I also intend to focus on some tough subjects. They won’t necessarily be controversial, but I won’t beat around the bush with the truth. You know what I’m saying? It’s good to encourage people. But as believers we must also make sure that our brothers and sisters are not walking in darkness or bondage. Sometimes we need to hear correction. I don’t want to become one of those Christians that’s afraid to tell the truth and be real. That would mean that I fear the people more than I fear God and that is not right. Isaiah 51:7 says that we are not to fear the reproach of men, so I wont. I don’t want to tickle your ears while you’re walking down the wrong path. The Bible tells us in Hosea 4:6 that we are destroyed for lack of knowledge. I don’t want to be a contributor to anyone’s destruction. As God leads to me to share certain things with you I will.

I also intend to allow guest posts in the coming year. In this way you’ll be able to get stories and wisdom from others as well. This is still undecided. I may not do this at all. But it’s been something I’ve been debating. I don’t know if it will work out. I might do it for a month, or a year or not at all. I might like it. I might not. We’ll just have to wait and see. I may even have a special gift for you in the new year as well. So keep your eyes open for that. I think that you will like it and appreciate it.

So I want you to know that I have not forgotten or abandoned my faithful readers. I love you guys!

Life has thrown many things my way this past year that I could not have foreseen. It’s been hard. But I am expecting the new year to be the start of a new beginning. I’m looking forward to the many blessings God has in store for me. I know that it will be beautiful. So hang in there with me. Reflections of a Queen is about to become better than ever!

Lord bless you all!

Haneefah Turner

Copyright©2010.HaneefahTurner. All Rights Reserved.

I Won NaNoWriMo!

Hey everyone. I know that’s it’s been a while since I’ve written. But I’ve got some great news to shout about. I won NaNoWriMo!

What’s NaNoWriMo? NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s the time of year that comes every November when writers everywhere start losing their minds as they try to write a novel by the end of the month.

It’s all very frenetic as everyone tries to hit their 50,000 word count by November 30th. Over sixteen hundred words a day. One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Seven words to be exact. That’s about 4 single spaced pages and 8 double spaced pages.

Well, what do you win? You win Continue reading

Faithful by Kimberly Cash Tate Book Review

“Faithful” is a story about Cydney Sanders and her friends, who are severely tested in their faith and must determine in their hearts if they will remain Faithful to God. Cydney starts to doubt the faithfulness of God as her 40th birthday draws near and she is still unmarried. To make matters worse she is to be the maid of honor at her younger sister’s wedding…on her birthday. Soon Cydney meets a man that is the complete opposite of what she wants in a husband. Yet there is something about him that catches her off guard and Continue reading

Loves First Bloom by Delia Parr Book Review

This is the story of Ruth Livingston who’s life changes for the dramatic, as her sends her away with a baby that isn’t hers and a fictitious name to a new Jersey Village, where she waits for him to be acquitted of murder.

Amidst the turmoil and suffering Ruth Continue reading

In Every HeartBeat by Kim Vogel Sawyer Book Review

In Every Heartbeat is the story of three childhood friends. Libby Conley, who wants to be a world famous journalist. Pete Leidig, who wants to be a preacher. And Bennett Martin who just wants to belong and make trouble.

The three of them grew up Continue reading

Jesus Is The Reason For It All – Merry Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas to my faithful readers here at Reflections of a Queen. I hope that your Christmas is a beautiful one. Let’s not forget to keep Jesus first as we celebrate His birth. It’s all about Him. Not trees. Not gifts. Not Santa Claus. It’s about celebrating the day that Christ was birthed into this world to one day grow up and become a man who would bring Salvation to the world. All we have Continue reading

Hearts Awakening by Delia Parr Book Review

Hearts Awakening by Delia Parr is a heartwarming and sometimes frustrating Christian Historical Fiction Romance Novel. I will tell you that I don’t read much Historical Fiction. So when the time came for me to read this book I had no idea what to expect. A few such books that I have read in the past have left me a bit iffy with their seemingly weak female leads, and sometimes domineering not so nice men who act beastly, but are really good men “deep down.” So I treaded very lightly.

Hearts Awakening is the story of Elvira “Ellie” Kilmer, a spinster who is trying to find her way in life. After the death of her sick Mother that she had taken care of for most of her life, Ellie is left homeless and forced to live with her unloving and uncaring cousins, her only surviving relations.

Being a 30 something spinster with “plain” looks in the 1840’s has left Ellie with very limited options when it comes to what to do with her life. So her cousin makes an arrangement Continue reading