Are You Too Comfortable to Thank God?

Are you thankful for your blessings? I admit that I don’t always stop to take stock of all the blessings that God has given to me. Not because I am ungrateful, but because sometimes I am too comfortable. Sometimes I take my blessings for granted. This is something that we all do at times. It’s usually only when our comfort is threatened or removed that we realize how blessed we have been.

I want to encourage you today to Continue reading

Don’t Be Shaken

Have you ever been so stressed out or afraid that you just wanted to scream or cry? It’s an incredibly painful feeling. It feels like the whole world is on your shoulders and all you want is just a little relief. Just a bit of breathing room, right?

King David experienced intense stress and anxiety when he was being persecuted and hunted by King Saul. He could have given up. But David knew how to keep Continue reading

He’s Never Broken A Promise

People can’t always be trusted. At least not 100% of the time. As imperfect people it is impossible for us to behave perfectly at all times. Most people mean well but because of our imperfections we will always fall short. People break promises, lie, cheat, steal, break hearts, and will sometimes even betray you. That doesn’t mean that you should live your life in fear of being hurt or suspicious of all people. That’s neither a healthy or Godly way to live. But it’s important to never put people in God’s place.

“God has never made a promise He didn’t keep. Trust Him. God can do anything EXCEPT fail.” Click To Tweet

Completely Dependable

God is the only One who is completely dependable. The only one any Continue reading

Look To The Lord

Look to the Lord when times are hard. Often times we want to run from Him and wallow in our pain and despair. We feel as if we are too broken and pathetic to come to Him. But the truth is that He’s waiting for you to stretch out your hand to Him so that He can give you the help you need and lift you up. Now is not the time to run from Him, but to Him.

The Lord is our hope and our strength. He will give us the strength to overcome if we’d only ask Him. So often we have Continue reading

What’s Impossible With God?

Impossible. I can’t stand that word. Why? Because it gives people an excuse to give up, to settle for less and to be less. I could never do that. It’s impossible. I could never write that book. It’s impossible. I could never start my own business. I’m too young/old. It’s impossible. And on and on it goes. One excuse after another of why you can’t do, be or become the person you are meant to be, or accomplish what you are meant to accomplish.

We always say that Continue reading

Bless Your Enemies and God Will Bless You

When someone has done you wrong, especially when it was deliberate, the last thing you want to do to that person is bless them. You want to scream, yell, cuss the person out, or maybe even beat them down, and then perhaps you will consider extolling a blessing or even forgiveness. But that’s not Continue reading

Never In Vain

Nothing that we do for God is in vain. Your life is not a waste. Everything that you have invested into the Kingdom of God matters to God. Everything you have suffered, every tear you have shed as you have gone about your Father’s business will never be in vain. Never stop storing up treasures in Heaven because you feel that your life is worthless, because you feel that it’s not enough.

Remain strong and firm in your faith. God has not forgotten you. We have the Continue reading

Come Back

It’s so easy to get far from God. We allow life to take our attention away from our First Love. We put our careers, marriages, children, entertainment, ambition, relationships and a whole host of other things, into first place.

God speaks to our hearts through the Holy Spirit, but we can know longer hear Him. We’ve allowed life, and sometimes sin, to separate us from God. We stop reading our Bibles. We stop praying. We stop nurturing our relationship with the Lord. Until one day we thirst for Him. Our parched souls need refreshing. But we’re Continue reading

Real Contentment: Is God Enough?

When we have a little we want more. When we have enough it’s still never enough. It’s a vicious cycle that keeps our minds constantly on what we want and how to get it instead of being content with what we have. It’s as if our desire for more is like a thirst that can never be quenched.

The truth is that even Continue reading