Day 7 prayer request
Hindu Extremists Continue reading
Day 7 prayer request
Hindu Extremists Continue reading
Day 6 Prayer Request
House church members Continue reading
Thank you for visiting Reflections of a Queen. Here is the prayer request for the day.
Lord bless you all!
Day 5
The Eritrean government imprisons Christians in metal containers, denying them food and medical care. Pray for their health.
To learn more about Persecuted Christians visit Voice of the Martyrs today.
Hello everyone. I apologize for the delay in blog posts. A lot has been going on in my life and I have not had the time to post. I hope that you understand.
I have such a heart for my persecuted Brothers and Sisters in Christ and I wanted to share these prayer requests with you. I receive prayer requests and newsletters from Voice of the Martrys. They are a Christian group that helps persecuted Christians all over the world.
I have just recently received a card called 14 Days of Prayer. I am a few days behind, but I am sharing them with you anyway.
I will be posting each prayer request for the next 10 days. Days 1-4 today and the rest everyday until you receive them all. They won’t be very long. Only about a paragraph. So please stop by daily and read the prayer request for the day and pray for our Brothers and Sisters in chains.
I love you all.
Lord bless you!
Day 1
Ruth is a widow whose husband was killed in a religious riot in Nigeria. Pray for Nigerian widows.
Day 2
Muslim extremists attacked Christian families, burned 50 homes and killed livestock in Pakistan. Pray families find peace.
Day 3
Shi Weihan was sentenced to three years in a Chinese prison for printing Bibles. Pray God’s Word spreads.
Day 4
Colombian guerillas shot Marcella, Lydia and Jeffrey’s parents because they shared Jesus with others. Pray for their safety.
Thank you for praying with me for persecuted Christians all over the world. Please come back tomorrow for the days prayer request.
I was and still am the biggest Michael Jackson fan of all time. I developed my intense love of music by listening to and studying Michael. My grandmother introduced me to Michael’s music before I was old enough to even speak. I remember many weekends when it was just the two of us together listening to Michael’s Thriller album. It was a happy time.
Eventually I grew up and played his music constantly. I was just in love with all things Michael. My Michael Jackson collection proves that. I don’t have everything. Very few people do. But, I managed to accumulate quite a bit in spite of my family not having much money. I’ve been very blessed.
I have supported Michael always. Through the thick and the thin. I didn’t become a fan of his in his death. I’ve been a fan since Thriller. When people were lying about him Continue reading
I am so happy about the safe return of Current TV reporter’s Laura Ling and Euna Lee to the United States from North Korea where they were held prisoner. I can’t even begin to imagine the terror, and deep sadness they must have felt over the fact that they may never come home and see their families again.
Five months is a long time to have your world turned upside down and your future up in the air. “Will we come home?,” they must have asked themselves many times. “Or will we be prisoner’s in a hard labor camp for 12 years for a crime we didn’t commit?”
The fact that they Continue reading
I don’t know what to say! Michael Jackson was just incredible. INCREDIBLE. I can’t even begin Continue reading
I just want to take a moment to wish all of the Dad’s out there a beautiful and blessed Father’s Day! I wish that my dad could be here with me, but I like to believe that he’s up there in Heaven celebrating the day with our glorious Heavenly Father! 🙂
Enjoy your special day. And children young and old, appreciate your dad’s today and everyday. Be sure to thank God for your dad’s. And if you’ve lost your Father as I have or your Father was never there, just turn to God who is your Father in Heaven. He loves you more than any earthly father ever could. He’s waiting for you to turn to Him now. Just let His love wash over you!
Lord bless you!
Look at everything as though you were seeing it for either the first or last time…then your time on earth will be filled with glory. –Betsy Smith, American Writer (1896-1972)
Life is so short. A lot of the time we just breeze through life without taking it all in. We become consumed by the concerns of this world. But, it’s important to stop for a moment and take it all in.
If you look at all that is around you as if for the first or last time it opens up a sense of wonder and appreciation in your heart for what you’ve been given. You Continue reading
Out of Eden was one of my most Continue reading