I Smile is one of my favorite songs ever by Kirk Franklin. So I decided to put this video up so that you can see it first thing this Monday morning and start your day off right! It just makes Continue reading
The Baker’s Wife by Erin Healy Book Review
The Baker’s Wife is the third novel by Erin Healy. Erin Healy is an award winning editor and is best known for co-writing a few books with Author Ted Dekker. The Baker’s Wife is a serious page turner about a woman named Audrey Bofinger. Audrey use to be a Pastors Wife before that title, and that life was stolen from her when an incredible lie about her husband cost him his pastoral career. To survive Audrey and her husband Geoff open a bakery. Baking bread had always been a favorite pastime of theirs. And they regularly made bread for members of their congregation. So to become professional bakers was not a stretch.
Audrey didn’t think that life could get any worse for her family until the unthinkable happened early one morning. While driving to work with her son Ed, Audrey strikes something in the thick fog that permeates the California town where she lives in the early mornings. She hoped it was nothing serious, but that was too much to ask for.
When Audrey and her son Ed get out of the car to see what happened they found — a severely damaged scooter, an extreme amount of blood, but no body. Soon the Continue reading
God Is Not Your Puppet
“Jesus answered them and said, Verily, Verily, I say unto you, ye seek me not because you saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.” — John 6:26 KJV
“(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:32-33 KJV
Why do you serve Jesus? Do you serve Him because you truly love Him? Or do you serve Him because of what you think you can get from Him?
A lot of Pastors today teach serving God for things is good. Their self-centered and deceitful teachings tell people to come to Jesus Christ, not because they have sinned against Him and are lost, and yes, destined for Hell because of their sin against God, but that Jesus made a way out for them by dying for them. But, they tell them to come to Him to get the blessings out of His hand.
Come to God because He has a “wonderful plan for your life.” Come to God and find happiness, joy, peace, money, houses, cars, a new job, and the list goes on and on. They teach people Continue reading
One Call Away By Brenda Warner Book Review
One Call Away by Brenda Warner is the memoir about her life. Brenda is the wife of NFL star Kurt Warner. She is also a registered nurse and a former Marine. The memoir details the dramatic and often devastating life turns she’s experienced, one phone call at a time, and how she has dealt with them and survived.
From having her baby become seriously and permanently injured in the bathtub, dealing with an emotionally abusive husband who betrayed her and the divorce that followed, poverty, to the tragic loss of her parents, and dealing with the pressures of fame. Brenda has experienced great suffering. Yet, she had survived.
Brenda’s story is not a bad one. It is encouraging and uplifting on many levels, and it just may be the thing to read if you’re going through a rough time and need a reminder that you can overcome as well. I did have a few problems with the book however. When I first started reading I didn’t think that Continue reading
Kingdom Lifestyle
A Kingdom Lifestyle
When people look at you and how you live your life do they know what you believe? What you stand for? Is it evident? Is your mouth saying one thing, but your lifestyle another? Are you claiming Christ, but living like a heathen. Do others see Jesus Christ in you?
God told the Israelites not to live life as or worship as the godless people around them. To stay set apart. God knew that the Israelites would lose their way and turn from Him if they weren’t careful and deliberate in how they lived their life. God is telling us to Continue reading
Remembering Sept 11th : 10 Years Later

North Tower Collapse photo taken by the New York City Police Dept Sept 11, 2001
I can’t believe that it’s been 10 years already since the Sept. 11th attack on our country. It feels like it just happened yesterday. That was such a sad and terrifying day. The loss of life was so horrifying and senseless. The terrorist attack on our country, born out of hatred, was so heartless and incomprehensible, and some would say unforgivable.
Look how far God has brought us. At the time no one knew if life would ever be the same. And in some ways it isn’t. The fact that we could be attacked again is still in the minds of the people. Some people still live in fear. Yet, God has protected us from further attack again and again. I am so grateful. Grateful to be alive. Grateful that other attacks have been prevented.

Marcy Borders the "Dust Lady" after the South Tower fell 9-11-01 The iconic photo seen around the world. Taken by Stan Honda
I didn’t know anyone that died that day. But my heart is with those individuals that did and whose hearts are still hurting 10 years later. My heart goes out to those who were attacked and survived and whose lives were never the same like Marcy Borders. Marcy Border (who became known to the world as the “dust lady” and then only 28 years old) had worked at a Bank of America in the North Tower, also known as Tower 1, on the 81st floor of the World Trade Center for only one month.
When the towers were hit the people Continue reading
The True Source
While watching a special last week marking Michael Jackson’s Birthday (Michael Jackson History: The King of Pop 1958-2009) a commercial aired touting a new Psychic Hotline called “Psychic Source.” They claimed to be able to tell you anything you want to know about anything in the future. If you want to know if you are going to marry, or have children, if your husband or wife is cheating or whatever the case may be, they claim to have all of the answers for whatever concerns you about life for a mere “$10 for 10 minutes.” That’s one dollar a minute for lies. I was so disgusted, angry and sad seeing that. It was sad that people are so desperate, so hungry for answers, yet not knowing who they should really turn to, that they would resort to that. And angry at those that take advantage of those desperately, hurting and lost people.
You will never find the answers your heart seeks from a Psychic. Psychics don’t have the truth. On top of that the answers you get come from their “spirit guides,” the demons they depend on for information from the “other side.” The Bible calls these spirit guides “familiar spirits.” You are only opening yourself up to bondage and curses. God is not in it.
God is very clear about how He Continue reading
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Nobody wants to be who there are anymore. They want to be like everybody else. Turn on the TV,open a magazine,go on the internet and get bombarded by unnatural, photoshopped images of celebrities and models. The world tells us that these people are the gold standard of beauty, and that if you don’t look like them you’re nothing. To that I say ‘I don’t think so!’
The world says that if your skin isn’t light enough you aren’t beautiful. If you’re body isn’t slim enough you aren’t beautiful. If your smile isn’t just right, or you’re too short, too tall, too something, you aren’t beautiful. Well let me tell you something. God’s Continue reading
Cherished by Kim Cash Tate Book Review

Kim Cash Tate has done it again with another great book called “Cherished : A Novel of Unconditional Love.” “Cherished” tells the story of Kelli London, a young woman that dreamed of one day becoming a songwriter. It was her dream to touch the hearts and lives of others through music and honor God with her gift. She also dreamed about being with a man named Brian, her first and only love and high school sweetheart. She was so sure that they would one day marry and have a family. But bad decisions eventually led to tragic and devastating consequences that destroyed her long held dreams of music and love, until God opens her heart to hope and dream again through a series of love letters.
Heather Anderson has lived a life far removed from God. She’s lived Continue reading
While I’m Waiting by John Waller
I’m sorry that I didn’t post this past Tuesday. But I have something to make it up for your you today! This is one of my favorite songs from the Fireproof Soundtrack. It’s about staying strong and trusting in the Lord even when things are hard, and continuing Continue reading