Become the Change

You must become the change you wish to see in the world. –Mohandas K. Gandhi, Indian Political and Spiritual Leader (1869-1948)

I think that this means that we are responsible for what we want in this life. If you want more love, give more love. If it’s forgiveness, then forgive. If it’s happiness, then do a good deed to brighten someone’s day. And if it’s joy and freedom that you feel the world needs, then lead the world to Jesus Christ as He commanded us to do! He is the only way to true freedom, peace and joy.

I think that this can Continue reading

After The Storm, Comes The Sun

After winter comes the summer. After night comes the dawn. And after every storm, there comes clear open skies.—Samuel Rutherford, Scottish Clergyman (1600-1661)

Nothing lasts forever. Just as no good thing lasts continually neither does any bad thing. If you are going through a rough patch right now remember that every storm must end. And when it does the days will be bright and sunny again. In the meantime just keep your eyes on the Lord and He will see you through. He always does.

Lord bless you

How Far Can You Go?

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go—T.S. Eliot, British poet, critic (188-1965)

I believe that this post touches on something that I have spoken about in an earlier post in the series that bears mentioning again. Continue reading

Everyday is Blessed!

There is no such thing in anyone’s life as an unimportant day—Alexander Woolcott, American Writer (1887-1943)

I will keep this post as short and sweet as possible because I believe that this quote is easily understood.

Every single day is a blessed day. Everyday. You woke up this morning. You’re alive. You have your health, your family, your friends. You hopefully have a roof over your head and food in your belly. What do these things make you? They make you blessed!

Each and everyday is an opportunity for change and even greater blessing. There is NO such thing as an unimportant day! Not one iota!

There are some Continue reading

Life: A Daring Adventure?

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.—Helen Keller American Writer, Educator (1880-1968)

Life is what you make it plain and simple. Yes, we all have obstacles in our way. These obstacles can sometimes make life hard. But, in spite of those things are you living life or just existing? Are you filled with the joy only God can give? Or is life just something you must suffer through? Continue reading

Dream it. Do it.

If you can dream it, you can do it.—Walt Disney American Animation Pioneer (1901-1966)

While watching an interview recently with singer, writer, producer James Ingram he told of how his Father taught him growing up not to try to do anything, but to do it. There was never any “I’ll try to be a singer.” Or “I’ll try to write.” Or I’ll try to get a record deal.” It was I’m just going to go out there and do this thing!

If you’ve Continue reading

Are You Willing To Let Go?

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. – E.M. Forster, British Writer (1879- 1970)

How many of us have our life planned out to the “T?” From the time we are young until we grow up, a lot of us have it deeply ingrained in us exactly what we are going to do when we grow up, what we are going to have, and how we are going to get it. Even if we don’t know this as children, at some point we have it figured out.

I remember reading a story once of a young woman that Continue reading