In the Presence of My Enemies

This post was written as part of the writing project on Psalms 23. Everyone who decided to participate had to choose a verse. I chose verse 5. I hope that this post will be a blessing to you.

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.”

I love this verse. I understand it well. I have had the misfortune of dealing with an enemy or an attack of the enemy, a time or two in my lifetime. Perhaps you have as well. So did Jesus and the Disciples. As followers of Christ we should Continue reading

What Will Your Story Be?

What have you done with your life? If you were to die tomorrow, would you have died with your dreams still in you? Or would you have died having given them birth?

All of my life I have wanted to write. And for the last several years I have been crippled by my fear of rejection. A couple years ago I made up mind to work on my book. The book that has been in my heart for years. I’ve given myself 5 years to write it. I’ve got three years left. It’s a slow process. But you know what? It’s worth the hard work and effort, as slow going as it is. I’ve always wanted to write a book, and I will do that. That’s my dream. I want to be a published writer. I want to be successful. I want to make a living as an author, which I believe to be my calling in this life. I’m working on it, and I know that I will achieve this goal.

People die everyday full of hopes and dreams for a better life, a better Continue reading

The Blessing of NOW!

Look at everything as though you were seeing it for either the first or last time…then your time on earth will be filled with glory. –Betsy Smith, American Writer (1896-1972)

Life is so short. A lot of the time we just breeze through life without taking it all in. We become consumed by the concerns of this world. But, it’s important to stop for a moment and take it all in.

If you look at all that is around you as if for the first or last time it opens up a sense of wonder and appreciation in your heart for what you’ve been given. You Continue reading

Happy Mother’s Day!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of the awesome and amazing Mother’s out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. There is no one as special as a Mother. You are also so often unappreciated. So, I am taking the time to let you know that you are appreciated and loved.

Enjoy your special day. You deserve it.

Lord bless you!