Today we have lost and icon and pioneer. Don Cornelius died today from a self inflicted gun shot wound to the head. He was 75 years old. I can’t believe that Don Cornelius is dead. The fact that he left us so tragically makes the loss even worse. I hate knowing that his suffering, whether mental, physical or both, was so great that he felt the need to take his own life; that he didn’t see another way out. It is all so sad.
Don has contributed so much to entertainment, and not only black culture, but pop culture. He opened the door for black artists by giving them a place where they could belong and share their gifts with the world, and he created where young African-Americans could come dance and have a great time. He made being black Continue reading
Tag Archives: Celebrate
Happy 4th of July!

I just want to take a moment, on the anniversary of the signing on the Declaration of Independence, to wish everyone a beautiful 4th of July and to thank all of the men and women who have fought for us, been maimed and lost limbs for us, and laid down their lives for us. There are not enough words to express the deeply felt gratitude I feel for the sacrifice you have made. I am so incredibly grateful to you for going into the trenches and risking it all so that I can be free. I love you all. God bless you!
Thank you God for all of your blessings God. You are an awesome God and I love you so much. Thank you for the ultimate gift of freedom. Freedom from hell and sin through your Son Jesus Christ. There is no freedom greater than that! Thank you for saving me. You are amazing. I love you!!!
Merry Christmas
Hello everyone! I know that it’s been a long while since I have updated my blog. I thought that today would be the perfect time to get back on track.
I just want to take a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Take the time to remember the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is one of the Greatest Gifts God has ever given us. I hope that you love Him and appreciate Him as much as I do!
Also be sure to cherish those that you love. Many people have lost loved ones this year. I know that you are hurting. But if your loved ones knew the Lord they are with Him today. Rejoice!
Don’t take your life for granted. Life is so precious and fragile. Live each day to the fullest and love everyone with your entire heart.
Once again, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I will be back with more new material in the new year. So please don’t forget to visit again.
I love you all. Be blessed
Happy Father’s Day!
I just want to take a moment to wish all of the Dad’s out there a beautiful and blessed Father’s Day! I wish that my dad could be here with me, but I like to believe that he’s up there in Heaven celebrating the day with our glorious Heavenly Father! 🙂
Enjoy your special day. And children young and old, appreciate your dad’s today and everyday. Be sure to thank God for your dad’s. And if you’ve lost your Father as I have or your Father was never there, just turn to God who is your Father in Heaven. He loves you more than any earthly father ever could. He’s waiting for you to turn to Him now. Just let His love wash over you!
Lord bless you!
Christmas Is All In The Heart
We’re living in tough times right now and people are concerned about not being able to provide a big “traditional” Christmas for their families this year. I heard it said that a woman told a friend about having a “dollar store” Christmas because she couldn’t afford toys from the major toy chains and department stores. Perhaps you can relate. I can. I also was Continue reading