Have you ever wanted to know what your One Big Thing is? That one thing that you’re meant to do in this life? Well, One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Dojust may be the book for you. Phil will Continue reading
Tag Archives: Dreams
What’s Impossible With God?

Impossible. I can’t stand that word. Why? Because it gives people an excuse to give up, to settle for less and to be less. I could never do that. It’s impossible. I could never write that book. It’s impossible. I could never start my own business. I’m too young/old. It’s impossible. And on and on it goes. One excuse after another of why you can’t do, be or become the person you are meant to be, or accomplish what you are meant to accomplish.
We always say that Continue reading
A New Year, A New Beginning
With a new year comes new challenges. But it also brings with it new opportunities. Some people look at the new year with dread. They whine and complain. “Another year has been lost and wasted. Here’s to another year and my dreams have not come true. I’m still struggling. Things are still hard. Life is still rough. When am I going to get my time to shine? When do I catch a break?”
I know that feeling. It’s that feeling of not knowing your purpose; of feeling that your sorrow is unending. “Why am I here Lord? Is this all there is?” I’m here to tell you that things do get better. But it takes time. Joy does come in the morning. It’s hard to believe that when you wake up and you’re facing Continue reading
What Will Your Story Be?
What have you done with your life? If you were to die tomorrow, would you have died with your dreams still in you? Or would you have died having given them birth?
All of my life I have wanted to write. And for the last several years I have been crippled by my fear of rejection. A couple years ago I made up mind to work on my book. The book that has been in my heart for years. I’ve given myself 5 years to write it. I’ve got three years left. It’s a slow process. But you know what? It’s worth the hard work and effort, as slow going as it is. I’ve always wanted to write a book, and I will do that. That’s my dream. I want to be a published writer. I want to be successful. I want to make a living as an author, which I believe to be my calling in this life. I’m working on it, and I know that I will achieve this goal.
People die everyday full of hopes and dreams for a better life, a better Continue reading