What Do You Treasure? God or Sin?


For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also — Matthew 6:21 KJV

Do you treasure the things of this world or the things of God? Answer wisely. Where you will spend eternity rests on it. Why? Because your answer may tell whether you are a way side believer, stony ground believer, thorny ground believer or a good ground believer. Mark  4:1-20 KJV

See people today think that because they made a “decision” for Christ that makes them saved. They believe that they can live however they want no matter how wild and reckless and sinful and it’s okay because they made a “decision” for Christ. That’s a popular teaching today. It’s also very wrong.

There are also those that think they’re saved because they sit in church every Sunday morning, even though they were wildin’ out in the club the night before. Or they think they are saved because they watch a little “Christian” TV from time to time, or have cute little religious figurines, photographs and what not all over the house, car or job or say a few empty prayers, amongst other things. That’s also false. Sorry to break it to you. I know it’s tough.

I don’t watch a lot of “Christian” TV, but one Sunday I decided to check out a popular preacher with the celebrities and such in L.A. And I’ll never forget when he said “ I don’t want to preach to you about sin. I just want to love on you.” I almost fell on the floor. My mouth dropped open and everything. What kind of “Pastor” doesn’t preach about sin? Because if he really loved you he would tell you to come to Christ. To come out of sin and live holy for Jesus. To give your entire life to Christ and accept His gift of eternal life. That’s real love. Unfortunately, the false “gospel” that this “Pastor” preaches is the norm today. And it’s spiritually deadly.

It’s not enough to say that you believe in Jesus. James 2:19 in the King James Bible says “ Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe and tremble.” Well we know that devils aren’t saved, so are you sure that you are? What does Continue reading

The Shelter of God’s Promises by Sheila Walsh Book Review

Sheila Walsh’s The Shelter of God’s Promises Book Review

I thought that the book “The Shelter of God’s Promises” by Sheila Walsh was a very good book. This book is about learning about the promises that God has made to us and how to apply them to our lives. I especially liked the chapter on “Love” and the teaching about the Woman with the issue of blood from the Bible. As well as the chapter about “Hope.”

I believe that many women will learn and gain so Continue reading

Max on Life by Max Lucado Book Review


Max On Life is a simple, easy read by Max Lucado. In this book Max answers 150 questions asked of him by members of his church and from fans of his many books. From questions about life, death, faith,finances, marriage, children, sex,sexuality, pain, hope and more, Max just Continue reading

If He Did It Once

Sometimes when things are bad and we get desperate or just wrapped up in our troubles we forget. Forget what you ask? We forget about God and what He’s already done for us before.

We get freaked out. It feels like God isn’t hearing us. Maybe He won’t Continue reading

What Will Your Story Be?

What have you done with your life? If you were to die tomorrow, would you have died with your dreams still in you? Or would you have died having given them birth?

All of my life I have wanted to write. And for the last several years I have been crippled by my fear of rejection. A couple years ago I made up mind to work on my book. The book that has been in my heart for years. I’ve given myself 5 years to write it. I’ve got three years left. It’s a slow process. But you know what? It’s worth the hard work and effort, as slow going as it is. I’ve always wanted to write a book, and I will do that. That’s my dream. I want to be a published writer. I want to be successful. I want to make a living as an author, which I believe to be my calling in this life. I’m working on it, and I know that I will achieve this goal.

People die everyday full of hopes and dreams for a better life, a better Continue reading

14 Days of Prayer – Day 14

Day 14 Prayer Request

Well, we have finally made it to day 14 on our 14 days of Prayer journey. I hope that you will not forget about all of those that we have prayed for during the last two weeks, but that you will continue to pray for them and keep them in your hearts.

Even though the 14 Days of Prayer are now over I will be periodically adding new prayer request for those in need. So do check back often.

Remember to visit Reflections of A Queen to keep up with all of the other articles and cool things coming your way. I’ve been away for a little while, but I’m back in full force. Thank you for visiting. I hope that you will always come back and enjoy all that I have in store for you. I love and appreciate you all.

Now for today’s Prayer Request

Day 14

Muslim extremists raided a Christian village in Mindanao, Philippines leaving hundreds homeless. Pray for their strength.

Thank you again for praying with me for our persecuted Brothers and Sisters all around the world. Lord bless you all!