Unnoticed by the World

Do you sometimes feel invisible? Just completely unnoticed by the world? Maybe you bust your butt at your job, work hard as a wife, Mother, Husband or Father, give your all serving in the church week after week without a simple thank you. You’re just chugging along spreading the Word of God, training your kids in the way they should go, being the man or woman God has called you to be and you’re feeling completely unappreciated. It doesn’t feel good at all, does it? We’ve all felt that way at some point in our lives. People have a way of both intentionally and unintentionally taking others for granted.

There is this quote that I’ve always loved by the writer Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) that says “The world has no room for Continue reading

Faint Not – It Get’s Better!

“I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”
—- Psalms 27:13

How many times have you felt like felt that? Perhaps you feel like that right now. I know that I’ve been able to relate to King David in this passage at times in my life. We all have at some point. Things are hard and looking crazy. It feels like the sky is falling and your world is coming to an end. It feels like the world is pressing you in on all sides. Life is just tough.

But then you stop and remember the love of the Lord, and how good He is all of the time. And though your circumstances may not change overnight, believing in the goodness of God helps us Continue reading