Change Your Mind, Change Your Habits

None of us are exempt

We all have bad habits. None of us are exempt. Though we may wish that we were. However there is a way to get rid of them. We must learn to replace our ugly habits with good ones! It sounds easy enough, but it can be hard. Yet, it is required of us all.

More than quirks

When we give our lives to Christ we become new. All of us are told to turn from our sinful ways. A lot of the times we don’t view our bad habits as sin. We usually view them as quirks in our personalities. “That’s just the way I am!” That’s a favorite excuse. But I’ve got a newsflash for you. That’s not just the way you are. There I said it. They are not just quirks in our personalities. Bad habits are sins that need to be shed.

Changing your mind

It is possible for us to get rid of our bad habits. But it’s not easy. It won’t happen overnight. And it starts with your thoughts. Philippians 4:8 tells us

“Finally Continue reading

Evict Unforgiveness From Your Life

I heard a quote once that wasn’t only intriguing but rooted in truth. It said that “Holding a grudge is allowing someone to live rent free in your head.” That is so true. You are giving people room in your life that don’t belong there when you hold grudges. Cut people loose from your life when they don’t belong there. Forgive them and move on. Give the issue to Jesus and give the offender an eviction notice!

I know people who love to hold grudges. It amazes me. And when you call them out on it they get offended. They don’t realize the spiritual harm that they do to themselves. It’s such a Continue reading

Martin Luther King, Jr. – The Dream Is Still Unfolding and Being Realized

I wanted to take the time today to give honor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His sacrifices in his life, which ultimately resulted in his untimely death, has made it possible for African-Americans to live as human beings, and not as a second class citizen. Or worse, as an animal. Because African-Americans, such as myself, have always been seen as even lower than an animal simply because of the color of our skin. I also wanted to remind people that the dream continues. We have achieved great things and overcome much, but we still have a long way to go.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.”

We’ve come far, but we still have a long way to go. We’ve come far from Jim Crow, and the Continue reading

Ascent From Darkness by Michael Leehan Book Review

All I’ve got to say about this book is wow, wow, WOW! Evil is so real and the effects can be so devastating. But God is far greater and powerful than Satan. God will always put a stop to evil. It can never prevail.

Ascent From Darkness is the story of one man’s descent into Satanism and God’s relentless pursuit to bring him from darkness into the Light. For twenty years, Michael Leehan was a slave to Satan. He experienced things that most people don’t want to think about, or even believes is real or could be true. But, it’s all true.

After years of feeling like darkness was always right on his heels he decided to give into it and become a satanist. That tragic decision caused Michael to go into such a downward spiral that no one thought that he would ever be free…including himself. But God had other plans so great, that not only did he pull Michael out of Satan’s death grip, but Continue reading

Happy 4th of July!

I just want to take a moment, on the anniversary of the signing on the Declaration of Independence, to wish everyone a beautiful 4th of July and to thank all of the men and women who have fought for us, been maimed and lost limbs for us, and laid down their lives for us. There are not enough words to express the deeply felt gratitude I feel for the sacrifice you have made. I am so incredibly grateful to you for going into the trenches and risking it all so that I can be free.  I love you all. God bless you!

Thank you God for all of your blessings God. You are an awesome God and I love you so much. Thank you for the ultimate gift of freedom. Freedom from hell and sin through your Son Jesus Christ. There is no freedom greater than that! Thank you for saving me. You are amazing. I love you!!!

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I would just like to say in this post that I am forever grateful to this man of God that stood up for the rights of his people, and for everyone. Because of him I can write here without fear or shame of people finding out about the fact that I’m black. Or even just being able to write here at all because I am black. Because of this man I can eat where I want. I can work where I want. I can marry a man of another race, because it is no longer illegal to do such a thing. I can go where I want without fear Continue reading