14 Days of Prayer – Day 14

Day 14 Prayer Request

Well, we have finally made it to day 14 on our 14 days of Prayer journey. I hope that you will not forget about all of those that we have prayed for during the last two weeks, but that you will continue to pray for them and keep them in your hearts.

Even though the 14 Days of Prayer are now over I will be periodically adding new prayer request for those in need. So do check back often.

Remember to visit Reflections of A Queen to keep up with all of the other articles and cool things coming your way. I’ve been away for a little while, but I’m back in full force. Thank you for visiting. I hope that you will always come back and enjoy all that I have in store for you. I love and appreciate you all.

Now for today’s Prayer Request

Day 14

Muslim extremists raided a Christian village in Mindanao, Philippines leaving hundreds homeless. Pray for their strength.

Thank you again for praying with me for our persecuted Brothers and Sisters all around the world. Lord bless you all!

14 Days of Prayer – Days 1-4

Hello everyone. I apologize for the delay in blog posts. A lot has been going on in my life and I have not had the time to post. I hope that you understand.

I have such a heart for my persecuted Brothers and Sisters in Christ and I wanted to share these prayer requests with you. I receive prayer requests and newsletters from Voice of the Martrys. They are a Christian group that helps persecuted Christians all over the world.

I have just recently received a card called 14 Days of Prayer. I am a few days behind, but I am sharing them with you anyway.

I will be posting each prayer request for the next 10 days. Days 1-4 today and the rest everyday until you receive them all. They won’t be very long. Only about a paragraph. So please stop by daily and read the prayer request for the day and pray for our Brothers and Sisters in chains.

I love you all.

Lord bless you!

Day 1

Ruth is a widow whose husband was killed in a religious riot in Nigeria. Pray for Nigerian widows.

Day 2

Muslim extremists attacked Christian families, burned 50 homes and killed livestock in Pakistan. Pray families find peace.

Day 3

Shi Weihan was sentenced to three years in a Chinese prison for printing Bibles. Pray God’s Word spreads.

Day 4

Colombian guerillas shot Marcella, Lydia and Jeffrey’s parents because they shared Jesus with others. Pray for their safety.

Thank you for praying with me for persecuted Christians all over the world. Please come back tomorrow for the days prayer request.

Happy Birthday Michael – Remembering Michael Jackson

I was and still am the biggest Michael Jackson fan of all time. I developed my intense love of music by listening to and studying Michael. My grandmother introduced me to Michael’s music before I was old enough to even speak. I remember many weekends when it was just the two of us together listening to Michael’s Thriller album. It was a happy time.

Eventually I grew up and played his music constantly. I was just in love with all things Michael. My Michael Jackson collection proves that. I don’t have everything. Very few people do. But, I managed to accumulate quite a bit in spite of my family not having much money. I’ve been very blessed.

I have supported Michael always. Through the thick and the thin. I didn’t become a fan of his in his death. I’ve been a fan since Thriller. When people were lying about him Continue reading