Become the Change

You must become the change you wish to see in the world. –Mohandas K. Gandhi, Indian Political and Spiritual Leader (1869-1948)

I think that this means that we are responsible for what we want in this life. If you want more love, give more love. If it’s forgiveness, then forgive. If it’s happiness, then do a good deed to brighten someone’s day. And if it’s joy and freedom that you feel the world needs, then lead the world to Jesus Christ as He commanded us to do! He is the only way to true freedom, peace and joy.

I think that this can Continue reading

From Impossible to Possible

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them to the impossible – Arthur C. Clarke, British Writer (b. 1917)

Get out there and try something new. Do something that you’ve been wanting to do, but have been telling yourself you can’t do. Nothing is impossible with God. NOTHING! It’s important that we remember that. We should actually make a point of reminding ourselves of that very fact daily.

When we don’t believe God’s Word I believe that we put limits on what He can do in our lives. In Matt 13:58 when Jesus went back to His hometown it says “And He did not many works there because of their unbelief.” KJV

When we have no faith Continue reading