“The Abundant Life Day Book: 365 Blessings To Begin Your Day” by Nancy Guthrie is a book of short devotionals to begin your day with. The book is written in such a way so that it seems as if the Lord is speaking to you. The devotionals were very thought provoking and encouraging and is a reminder of just how much God loves and cares for us.
I typically don’t Continue reading
Tag Archives: Love
Smitten Book Review by Colleen Coble,Kristen Billerbeck,Diann Hunt & Denise Hunter
When the lumber mill closes in the town of Smitten, Vermont fear sweeps the townspeople at the possibility that their town may be unable to survive without its main employer. That is, until Continue reading
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that your Thanksgiving is fun, beautiful and blessed. Be sure to eat a lot and enjoy time with your family and friends. Don’t forget to thank the Lord for blessing you to see such a beautiful day and have the opportunity to be with those you love. Thank Him for all that He has done for you and how much He has blessed you. We have NOTHING and are NOTHING without God.
Thanksgiving is about so much more than food, turkeys and stuffing ourselves silly. Although one of the best parts about the day is eating all of that delicious food and fellowshipping with the ones we love. It’s about Continue reading
Unnoticed by the World
Do you sometimes feel invisible? Just completely unnoticed by the world? Maybe you bust your butt at your job, work hard as a wife, Mother, Husband or Father, give your all serving in the church week after week without a simple thank you. You’re just chugging along spreading the Word of God, training your kids in the way they should go, being the man or woman God has called you to be and you’re feeling completely unappreciated. It doesn’t feel good at all, does it? We’ve all felt that way at some point in our lives. People have a way of both intentionally and unintentionally taking others for granted.
There is this quote that I’ve always loved by the writer Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) that says “The world has no room for Continue reading
The Crossing by Serita Jakes Book Review
“The Crossing” is the first novel by Serita Jakes, the wife of Bishop T.D. Jakes. “The Crossing” tells the story of Claudia Campbell. Claudia, a preachers kid, life change in a tragic instance. One night on her way home from a high school football game, a masked gunman open fired on the bus that was carrying the football team and the cheerleaders home. The incident took the life of her best friend, teacher and Cheerleading coach BJ Remington. Ever since that day, no matter how hard shes tried, Claudia has not been able to get over that night.
Plagued with nightmares and panic attacks, Claudia’s life is full of pain and suffering. Anything can trigger a memory and plunge her head first back to that night with all of it’s sorrow. To make matter worse Claudia’s husband District Attorney Victor Campbell decides to reopen the case. He believes that if he can find the killer and solve the case his wife will finally has some closure. But instead of making things better he may just be about to ruin to rip his family apart.
Casio Hightower, a cop, was Continue reading
Ascent From Darkness by Michael Leehan Book Review
All I’ve got to say about this book is wow, wow, WOW! Evil is so real and the effects can be so devastating. But God is far greater and powerful than Satan. God will always put a stop to evil. It can never prevail.
Ascent From Darkness is the story of one man’s descent into Satanism and God’s relentless pursuit to bring him from darkness into the Light. For twenty years, Michael Leehan was a slave to Satan. He experienced things that most people don’t want to think about, or even believes is real or could be true. But, it’s all true.
After years of feeling like darkness was always right on his heels he decided to give into it and become a satanist. That tragic decision caused Michael to go into such a downward spiral that no one thought that he would ever be free…including himself. But God had other plans so great, that not only did he pull Michael out of Satan’s death grip, but Continue reading
God’s Grace by Trin-i-tee 5:7
I’ve always liked this song. It is so true. God is so good. God’s grace and mercy are so wonderful. We are so undeserving and yet He blesses us so much anyway. I am so grateful for everything He’s done for me. I just want Continue reading
Cherished by Kim Cash Tate Book Review

Kim Cash Tate has done it again with another great book called “Cherished : A Novel of Unconditional Love.” “Cherished” tells the story of Kelli London, a young woman that dreamed of one day becoming a songwriter. It was her dream to touch the hearts and lives of others through music and honor God with her gift. She also dreamed about being with a man named Brian, her first and only love and high school sweetheart. She was so sure that they would one day marry and have a family. But bad decisions eventually led to tragic and devastating consequences that destroyed her long held dreams of music and love, until God opens her heart to hope and dream again through a series of love letters.
Heather Anderson has lived a life far removed from God. She’s lived Continue reading
Until The End of the World
Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the World — Matthew 28: 20 KJV
I love this verse. Get it down deep into your heart and hide it there for when you need it. Jesus promised to be there for us always, even until the end of the world. Not sometimes. Always! Doesn’t that just warm your heart? Doesn’t that just make you feel good? That verse is of tremendous comfort to me when I’m scared or feeling alone because I know that Jesus is by my side at ALL times! It’s a promise that He made to Continue reading
Just Hold On
Hope deferred maketh the hear sick: but when the desire cometh, it is the tree of life
— Proverbs 13:12 KJV
These are trying times for everyone. Everyone is going through some kind of drama in their lives. People can’t find jobs, are losing jobs, don’t have enough money. They’re having problems with family and friends. It feels never ending. It hurts. And it’s worse when you feel like you’re suffering alone. A common refrain is “ no one understands what I’m going through.” That’s just a lie that Satan wants you to believe so that you feel completely isolated. The truth is that there are millions of people that understand what you’re going through in your life right now. You are never alone. Even if you feel that you are, even if you are in the physical, God is still there beside you even though you can’t see Him. It would still be nice to have someone there for you with skin on though, right? I know. But it’s important to remember that if no one is around that God always is. It’s important to always remember that.
I had a follower on a popular social networking site who is a Christian email me recently saying that she felt so alone and was suicidal. Continue reading