If He Did It Once

Sometimes when things are bad and we get desperate or just wrapped up in our troubles we forget. Forget what you ask? We forget about God and what He’s already done for us before.

We get freaked out. It feels like God isn’t hearing us. Maybe He won’t Continue reading

Comments has been fixed!

Hello everyone! I have finally fixed the problem with comments. For months people have been unable to leave comments and I could not figure out why. I had sought technical support, but didn’t receive the help that I needed.

I finally decided to take matters into my own hands! Mind you I am not the least bit savvy when it comes to matters like these. But, I sought help outside of my hosting service and found some ideas of what the trouble might be. I tried some things out and realized that it was something very simple.

Needless to say that I am incredibly happy that the problem has been resolved, but agitated that it was something so small that was causing it.  If I had even an inkling that it was something so simple I could have fixed this ages ago.

I apologize to all of those who tried to leave comments and could not.  The problem has now been resolved. Comment away!  🙂

Lord bless you all!

Pushing Forward Through Prayer


I’ve been thinking  a lot about prayer lately. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Yet it seems that  a lot of the time we only come to God during times of pain, suffering and sorrow. Why is that?

Self-sufficiency is the problem

I believe that self-sufficiency is the main problem. We take our eyes off of God when things are good. We start to Continue reading