Shadow in Serenity is a Christian Suspense novel that tells the story of Carny Sullivan, a former Carnival kid that’s since left the life, and has found love, God and a home in Serenity, Texas.
All seems well in her adopted hometown until Logan Brisco, a con man out to suck Serenity dry, comes to town and threatens to turn the town and the people that she loves upside down.
What Logan hadn’t planned on is Carny’s ability Continue reading
Tag Archives: Redemption
The Encounter by Stephen Arterburn Book Review
The Encounter is the new novel and parable by Stephen Arterburn. It is the story of Jonathan Rush, a famous ultra successful and very wealthy businessman, who has been sent on an assignment by his Pastor to learn the truth about why his Mother abandoned him as a child in Fairbanks, Alaska when he was only four years old. He knows nothing about his Mother accept her name.
On his search Jonathan meets a mysterious woman named Mercy. Mercy seems Continue reading
Healing Is A Choice by Stephen Arterburn Book Review
Healing Is a Choice by Stephen Arterburn is a book about choosing to become well from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wounds. We have all experienced pain. Some more than others. Many people live shell shocked lives. Still suffering, and even acting out emotionally due to things that have happened to them years ago.
It’s like being stuck in a time warp with no understanding of how to be free. Often times we pray and pray to be free. But, when God doesn’t move the mountains out of the way we decide to just live with them. We don’t search to find out how to learn to get free. This must be God’s will we tell ourselves. But that’s not true. It’s not God’s will. You Continue reading
The Crossing by Serita Jakes Book Review
“The Crossing” is the first novel by Serita Jakes, the wife of Bishop T.D. Jakes. “The Crossing” tells the story of Claudia Campbell. Claudia, a preachers kid, life change in a tragic instance. One night on her way home from a high school football game, a masked gunman open fired on the bus that was carrying the football team and the cheerleaders home. The incident took the life of her best friend, teacher and Cheerleading coach BJ Remington. Ever since that day, no matter how hard shes tried, Claudia has not been able to get over that night.
Plagued with nightmares and panic attacks, Claudia’s life is full of pain and suffering. Anything can trigger a memory and plunge her head first back to that night with all of it’s sorrow. To make matter worse Claudia’s husband District Attorney Victor Campbell decides to reopen the case. He believes that if he can find the killer and solve the case his wife will finally has some closure. But instead of making things better he may just be about to ruin to rip his family apart.
Casio Hightower, a cop, was Continue reading
Ascent From Darkness by Michael Leehan Book Review
All I’ve got to say about this book is wow, wow, WOW! Evil is so real and the effects can be so devastating. But God is far greater and powerful than Satan. God will always put a stop to evil. It can never prevail.
Ascent From Darkness is the story of one man’s descent into Satanism and God’s relentless pursuit to bring him from darkness into the Light. For twenty years, Michael Leehan was a slave to Satan. He experienced things that most people don’t want to think about, or even believes is real or could be true. But, it’s all true.
After years of feeling like darkness was always right on his heels he decided to give into it and become a satanist. That tragic decision caused Michael to go into such a downward spiral that no one thought that he would ever be free…including himself. But God had other plans so great, that not only did he pull Michael out of Satan’s death grip, but Continue reading