Clouds In My Coffee

It feels like the whole world is suffering from storm clouds sending rain down and making life hard. But don’t you know that while it may be all gray and dreary that the sun is behind those clouds, and it’s ready to burst forth and shine down some of that warm goodness and send the clouds away?

God is still busy in the storm. He’s still there working on Continue reading

In the Presence of My Enemies

This post was written as part of the writing project on Psalms 23. Everyone who decided to participate had to choose a verse. I chose verse 5. I hope that this post will be a blessing to you.

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.”

I love this verse. I understand it well. I have had the misfortune of dealing with an enemy or an attack of the enemy, a time or two in my lifetime. Perhaps you have as well. So did Jesus and the Disciples. As followers of Christ we should Continue reading

Welcome home Euna Lee and Laura Ling!

I am so happy about the safe return of Current TV reporter’s Laura Ling and Euna Lee to the United States from North Korea where they were held prisoner. I can’t even begin to imagine the terror, and deep sadness they must have felt over the fact that they may never come home and see their families again.

Five months is a long time to have your world turned upside down and your future up in the air. “Will we come home?,” they must have asked themselves many times. “Or will we be prisoner’s in a hard labor camp for 12 years for a crime we didn’t commit?”

The fact that they Continue reading