I heard a quote once that wasn’t only intriguing but rooted in truth. It said that “Holding a grudge is allowing someone to live rent free in your head.” That is so true. You are giving people room in your life that don’t belong there when you hold grudges. Cut people loose from your life when they don’t belong there. Forgive them and move on. Give the issue to Jesus and give the offender an eviction notice!
I know people who love to hold grudges. It amazes me. And when you call them out on it they get offended. They don’t realize the spiritual harm that they do to themselves. It’s such a Continue reading
Tag Archives: Suffering
Healing Is A Choice by Stephen Arterburn Book Review
Healing Is a Choice by Stephen Arterburn is a book about choosing to become well from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wounds. We have all experienced pain. Some more than others. Many people live shell shocked lives. Still suffering, and even acting out emotionally due to things that have happened to them years ago.
It’s like being stuck in a time warp with no understanding of how to be free. Often times we pray and pray to be free. But, when God doesn’t move the mountains out of the way we decide to just live with them. We don’t search to find out how to learn to get free. This must be God’s will we tell ourselves. But that’s not true. It’s not God’s will. You Continue reading
One Call Away By Brenda Warner Book Review
One Call Away by Brenda Warner is the memoir about her life. Brenda is the wife of NFL star Kurt Warner. She is also a registered nurse and a former Marine. The memoir details the dramatic and often devastating life turns she’s experienced, one phone call at a time, and how she has dealt with them and survived.
From having her baby become seriously and permanently injured in the bathtub, dealing with an emotionally abusive husband who betrayed her and the divorce that followed, poverty, to the tragic loss of her parents, and dealing with the pressures of fame. Brenda has experienced great suffering. Yet, she had survived.
Brenda’s story is not a bad one. It is encouraging and uplifting on many levels, and it just may be the thing to read if you’re going through a rough time and need a reminder that you can overcome as well. I did have a few problems with the book however. When I first started reading I didn’t think that Continue reading
Remembering Sept 11th : 10 Years Later

North Tower Collapse photo taken by the New York City Police Dept Sept 11, 2001
I can’t believe that it’s been 10 years already since the Sept. 11th attack on our country. It feels like it just happened yesterday. That was such a sad and terrifying day. The loss of life was so horrifying and senseless. The terrorist attack on our country, born out of hatred, was so heartless and incomprehensible, and some would say unforgivable.
Look how far God has brought us. At the time no one knew if life would ever be the same. And in some ways it isn’t. The fact that we could be attacked again is still in the minds of the people. Some people still live in fear. Yet, God has protected us from further attack again and again. I am so grateful. Grateful to be alive. Grateful that other attacks have been prevented.

Marcy Borders the "Dust Lady" after the South Tower fell 9-11-01 The iconic photo seen around the world. Taken by Stan Honda
I didn’t know anyone that died that day. But my heart is with those individuals that did and whose hearts are still hurting 10 years later. My heart goes out to those who were attacked and survived and whose lives were never the same like Marcy Borders. Marcy Border (who became known to the world as the “dust lady” and then only 28 years old) had worked at a Bank of America in the North Tower, also known as Tower 1, on the 81st floor of the World Trade Center for only one month.
When the towers were hit the people Continue reading
Clouds In My Coffee
It feels like the whole world is suffering from storm clouds sending rain down and making life hard. But don’t you know that while it may be all gray and dreary that the sun is behind those clouds, and it’s ready to burst forth and shine down some of that warm goodness and send the clouds away?
God is still busy in the storm. He’s still there working on Continue reading
Interview with an Ex-Porn Star!
I came across this interview of Danielle Williams through the Passion for Christ Movement blog. This is an incredible testimony that everyone should hear. Share it with everyone you know. Minister Danielle breaks it down and tells you the real deal about the porn industry. It truly is full of evil. The stories of the suffering Continue reading