Shadow in Serenity is a Christian Suspense novel that tells the story of Carny Sullivan, a former Carnival kid that’s since left the life, and has found love, God and a home in Serenity, Texas.
All seems well in her adopted hometown until Logan Brisco, a con man out to suck Serenity dry, comes to town and threatens to turn the town and the people that she loves upside down.
What Logan hadn’t planned on is Carny’s ability Continue reading
Tag Archives: Suspense
The Baker’s Wife by Erin Healy Book Review
The Baker’s Wife is the third novel by Erin Healy. Erin Healy is an award winning editor and is best known for co-writing a few books with Author Ted Dekker. The Baker’s Wife is a serious page turner about a woman named Audrey Bofinger. Audrey use to be a Pastors Wife before that title, and that life was stolen from her when an incredible lie about her husband cost him his pastoral career. To survive Audrey and her husband Geoff open a bakery. Baking bread had always been a favorite pastime of theirs. And they regularly made bread for members of their congregation. So to become professional bakers was not a stretch.
Audrey didn’t think that life could get any worse for her family until the unthinkable happened early one morning. While driving to work with her son Ed, Audrey strikes something in the thick fog that permeates the California town where she lives in the early mornings. She hoped it was nothing serious, but that was too much to ask for.
When Audrey and her son Ed get out of the car to see what happened they found — a severely damaged scooter, an extreme amount of blood, but no body. Soon the Continue reading