Kim Cash Tate has done it again with another great book called “Cherished : A Novel of Unconditional Love.” “Cherished” tells the story of Kelli London, a young woman that dreamed of one day becoming a songwriter. It was her dream to touch the hearts and lives of others through music and honor God with her gift. She also dreamed about being with a man named Brian, her first and only love and high school sweetheart. She was so sure that they would one day marry and have a family. But bad decisions eventually led to tragic and devastating consequences that destroyed her long held dreams of music and love, until God opens her heart to hope and dream again through a series of love letters.
Heather Anderson has lived a life far removed from God. She’s lived wild and recklessly with no thought for how her actions affect others. From an affair with a married man, and a one night stand with a drummer from a poplar Christian band, Heather is left in incredibly bad shape and completely broken. One night, ashamed and broken, Heathers eyes are opened to the terrible condition she’s in and asks God to save her. God hears and answers her prayer and lifts her up and saves her. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg of how He completely changes and rocks her life. As she learns to live for Christ and live a life radically different from how she’s lived in the past, Heather finds that the plans God has for her are beyond her most wildest dreams.
Soon Kelli and Heather discover that they are more valuable than they ever imagined, that dreams can come true, that’s it’s important to forgive ourselves as well as others, and that God’s love is the greatest love of all.
I’ve been a fan of Kim Cash Tate since her last book “Faithful,” which was the first book of hers that I had ever read and reviewed. I love her writing style. And you can relate to the characters so well. I know that I said this before in my review of “Faithful,” but you really feel like you know the characters personally. They could be your Mom, Auntie, Sister, even yourself. The story was well written and engaging. I assure you that you won’t want to put it down. I was sad when it was over. I’m naturally a fast reader, but near the end I started reading more slowly in a destined to fail effort to prolong the story. LOL (smile).
I can highly recommend this book. You will not be disappointed. This book deserves five stars! Run out and get your copy right now. You just may become a fan of Kim Cash Tate, too!
Haneefah Turner Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
I am a member of Thomas Nelson’s Book Reviewer Blogger Program Book Sneeze. I received a copy of this book free of charge in order to review it. I was not paid for this review. I also was not required to give a positive review, but to give my honest opinion of what I felt about the book. Whether positive or negative, this is my honest opinion of this book.