Escaping the Cauldron: Exposing occult influences in everyday life
I enjoyed this book. It is a wake up call to Continue reading
Have you ever wanted to know what your One Big Thing is? That one thing that you’re meant to do in this life? Well, One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Dojust may be the book for you. Phil will Continue reading
“God has never made a promise He didn’t keep. Trust Him. God can do anything EXCEPT fail.” Click To Tweet
Completely Dependable
God is the only One who is completely dependable. The only one any Continue reading
When someone has done you wrong, especially when it was deliberate, the last thing you want to do to that person is bless them. You want to scream, yell, cuss the person out, or maybe even beat them down, and then perhaps you will consider extolling a blessing or even forgiveness. But that’s not Continue reading
God is always working to draw the world to Him. God is always pursuing those that don’t know Him, so that He can save them and pour His love on them. It can be hard when there is someone close to us that we have been praying for that seems to be Continue reading