Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that your Thanksgiving is fun, beautiful and blessed. Be sure to eat a lot and enjoy time with your family and friends. Don’t forget to thank the Lord for blessing you to see such a beautiful day and have the opportunity to be with those you love. Thank Him for all that He has done for you and how much He has blessed you. We have NOTHING and are NOTHING without God.
Thanksgiving is about so much more than food, turkeys and stuffing ourselves silly. Although one of the best parts about the day is eating all of that delicious food and fellowshipping with the ones we love. It’s about Continue reading
Tag Archives: Jesus
Healing Is A Choice by Stephen Arterburn Book Review
Healing Is a Choice by Stephen Arterburn is a book about choosing to become well from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wounds. We have all experienced pain. Some more than others. Many people live shell shocked lives. Still suffering, and even acting out emotionally due to things that have happened to them years ago.
It’s like being stuck in a time warp with no understanding of how to be free. Often times we pray and pray to be free. But, when God doesn’t move the mountains out of the way we decide to just live with them. We don’t search to find out how to learn to get free. This must be God’s will we tell ourselves. But that’s not true. It’s not God’s will. You Continue reading
Gilani Taylor Update
Gilani Taylor passed away about 5 hours ago at about 6:00 PM or 6:30 PM Pacific Time October 21, 2011 Friday. She is now with Jesus and her baby girl Jayla. Please pray for her husband Rodney and her surviving daughter Amiya, also known as Mimi, who was not in the car that fateful and tragic day, as well as their son Milan. Please don’t ever forget Gilani. Continue to pray that the person that has killed Gilani and Jayla will be caught, so that he or she can pay the price for what they’ve done and go to jail.
The person was driving a white, 2000’s model SUV on the 101 Freeway under the Las Virgenes Overpass October 1, 2011 Saturday at around 8:32 AM. If you know ANYTHING please report it to the CHP at 818-240-8200. Thank you! God bless you!
Quick update! Gilani’s condition is very bad. The doctors have said that there isn’t much more that they can do. It is completely in God’s hands. Gilani’s Pastor posted on his Twitter page this message today Friday October 21, 2011 at 3:00 PM “Doctors have now put Sister Lani’s life in God’s Hands. I’m SO glad that she did the same thing 2 and a half yrs ago! PRAY! MIRACLE TIME” So please continue to pray with all you’ve got! Keep lifting Gilani in prayer. Thank you and God bless you! If you do not know Gilani’s story read it now by clicking the link here. Gilani Taylor – A Fiery Tragedy Thank you! Keep praying and sharing her story!
It’s been over two weeks and Gilani Taylor is still alive! Fighting for her life? Yes. Still Critical? Yes, and she will for some time. But she is still alive. The doctors didn’t think she’d live for two days. Yet, she’s still here. God is so good! But Gilani is still not out of the woods. Her condition has worsened so your prayers are still needed. Gilani went into Cardiopulmonary arrest also known as cardiac arrest on October 17, 2011. Her Pastor held an all night Shut In prayer service to pray for her last night October 18, 2011. Anyone could come and pray. So the situation is even more serious. I do not know if she is still in a medically induced coma. But if so, then she is still unaware of the death of Jayla. Please continue to hold her up. I don’t know what her condition is right now. Getting updates is difficult. But as soon as I know of any changes, either good or bad, I will let you know.
If you don’t know about Gilani Taylor’s story of her terribly car crash that has left her severely burned and took the life of her daughter Jayla click this link here Gilani Taylor – A Fiery Tragedy to learn more.
Here is more of Continue reading
Ascent From Darkness by Michael Leehan Book Review
All I’ve got to say about this book is wow, wow, WOW! Evil is so real and the effects can be so devastating. But God is far greater and powerful than Satan. God will always put a stop to evil. It can never prevail.
Ascent From Darkness is the story of one man’s descent into Satanism and God’s relentless pursuit to bring him from darkness into the Light. For twenty years, Michael Leehan was a slave to Satan. He experienced things that most people don’t want to think about, or even believes is real or could be true. But, it’s all true.
After years of feeling like darkness was always right on his heels he decided to give into it and become a satanist. That tragic decision caused Michael to go into such a downward spiral that no one thought that he would ever be free…including himself. But God had other plans so great, that not only did he pull Michael out of Satan’s death grip, but Continue reading
Gilani Taylor – A Fiery Tragedy
“It was her choice to go. I told her that if she wanted to go be with Jayla, it was alright and she went. God is good and I am at perfect peace with her decision!” — Rodney Taylor to their Pastor after Gilani passed away
Gilani has gone home to the Lord now. But she will never be forgotten. Not by me or any of the others whose hearts and lives she touched. Gilani fought Continue reading
God’s Grace by Trin-i-tee 5:7
I’ve always liked this song. It is so true. God is so good. God’s grace and mercy are so wonderful. We are so undeserving and yet He blesses us so much anyway. I am so grateful for everything He’s done for me. I just want Continue reading
Little by Little
Most people don’t change overnight. You may have experienced some life changing experience, or an awakening to self or to God that opens your eyes to the need to change. And you may even start to live differently as you start to realize you’ve been living and doing wrong. Or just that you’ve been living with emotional chains; leftovers from a bad childhood, relationship, abuse, betrayal or whatever the case may be for you. Something that needs to heal. But true change takes time.
Christian maturity is a process. Just as maturity in the natural is a process. You don’t get saved one day and become “Super Christian” the next day. Actually no one ever becomes Super Christian. No persons faith walk is perfect. And everyone has some kind of pain or struggle in their life. Some people handle what they go through well because God gives them the strength they need to carry on, and the person makes a decision to not lose their joy. And some others just wear a mask to appear perfect. But of course no one ever is perfect. We all strive to be like Jesus, but Continue reading
I Smile by Kirk Franklin
I Smile is one of my favorite songs ever by Kirk Franklin. So I decided to put this video up so that you can see it first thing this Monday morning and start your day off right! It just makes Continue reading
Kingdom Lifestyle
A Kingdom Lifestyle
When people look at you and how you live your life do they know what you believe? What you stand for? Is it evident? Is your mouth saying one thing, but your lifestyle another? Are you claiming Christ, but living like a heathen. Do others see Jesus Christ in you?
God told the Israelites not to live life as or worship as the godless people around them. To stay set apart. God knew that the Israelites would lose their way and turn from Him if they weren’t careful and deliberate in how they lived their life. God is telling us to Continue reading
Remembering Sept 11th : 10 Years Later

North Tower Collapse photo taken by the New York City Police Dept Sept 11, 2001
I can’t believe that it’s been 10 years already since the Sept. 11th attack on our country. It feels like it just happened yesterday. That was such a sad and terrifying day. The loss of life was so horrifying and senseless. The terrorist attack on our country, born out of hatred, was so heartless and incomprehensible, and some would say unforgivable.
Look how far God has brought us. At the time no one knew if life would ever be the same. And in some ways it isn’t. The fact that we could be attacked again is still in the minds of the people. Some people still live in fear. Yet, God has protected us from further attack again and again. I am so grateful. Grateful to be alive. Grateful that other attacks have been prevented.

Marcy Borders the "Dust Lady" after the South Tower fell 9-11-01 The iconic photo seen around the world. Taken by Stan Honda
I didn’t know anyone that died that day. But my heart is with those individuals that did and whose hearts are still hurting 10 years later. My heart goes out to those who were attacked and survived and whose lives were never the same like Marcy Borders. Marcy Border (who became known to the world as the “dust lady” and then only 28 years old) had worked at a Bank of America in the North Tower, also known as Tower 1, on the 81st floor of the World Trade Center for only one month.
When the towers were hit the people Continue reading